Wedding photographer client contract template
Wedding photographer client contract template

wedding photographer client contract template

– It takes 2 weeks for the images to be available online I’m so excited to be working with you for your wedding! I wanted to send over a bullet-point checklist of our future interactions, just so you know what to expect from me: Your post-booking package template would look something like this:


You can use the same template just update the additional offers you include in each package. If you offer more than one, split this into three separate emails. The post-booking wedding photography package email template lets your clients know all of the awesome things you can do with their wedding photos. This is a good one for marketing purposes. Post-Booking PackageĪfter your client has officially booked you and signed the contract, your next priority is to inform them of what else you can offer to them in regard to products.

wedding photographer client contract template

Thanks! I look forward to photographing your special day! 4. For it to be valid, please make sure ALL of the fields are filled out (this includes the name and address of your venues).Ĭheck: If you elect to pay by check, please promptly mail your retainer check to: (Add your address)Ĭredit card: If you elect to pay by credit card, your credit card will be charged for the retainer within 24 hours. Please take a moment to review and sign the contract (link provided below). I am so excited to be working with you! There are TWO necessary steps to secure your wedding date with me: Your contract signing template would look something like this: Since dealing with the money aspect of booking can be a bit awkward, creating an email that informs your clients that you are excited to work with them helps you ease into the rest of the details. Once your client has decided to book you for their big day, a wedding photography contract finalizes the agreement and seals the deal. Suggested Read: 10 Questions To Include In A Wedding Photography Questionnaire 3. Here is a link with easy directions: (Add a Google Maps link) I would like to confirm your appointment with me on and (day + date). Your meeting confirmation template would look something like this: Using an email template that is simple is key at this point of the process, as you want your client to find the location and not be confused by too many directions. Client meetings can range from pre-booking to post-booking or anything necessary to help you inform your clients of the best ways to maximize their wedding day. When sitting down with a client, there is a specific direction or location where you desire the meeting to take place. Suggested Read: Top 15 Wedding Photography Website Builders 2. Here are a few dates and times that we could set up the call - do any of these work for you? Could we schedule a time to chat on the phone for a bit? Weddings are so unique that we find a perfect launching point in a quick phone call to hear more details! I’d love to schedule a time to talk more about your wedding details.

wedding photographer client contract template

Thanks a lot for your inquiry! I’m available for your wedding on (day + date). Your new inquiry automated response template would look something like this: With this template, all you would need to do is update the potential client’s name and the dates you would be available. Because this may happen on a regular occasion, you should have a photography email template that gives your potential clients a bit more information about you. When a new client is interested in your services, they will reach your website, find your contact information, and reach out to you. Getting back to your prospective client as fast as possible is vital for business and your reputation. This is perhaps the most important photographer email template there is. 5 Email Templates For Wedding Photographers 1.

wedding photographer client contract template


Thereby, save time and get work done at the same time! To simplify, here are 5 free email templates you need to be using in your business.


Because so many of your emails are the same from client to client, professional email templates can help you speed up the process and make minimal changes for each client. You will most likely send over wedding photography packages through email, send an email to confirm photo shoot time frames, or to gather information for the wedding timeline… and a whole host of other things. Throughout your interaction with your clients, your communication often occurs through email. Incorporating effective systems into your business to help you quickly master your workflow is necessary for you to succeed. When you are constantly meeting and booking new clients, your workload increases and you receive more tasks and projects that somehow always need to be completed on priority.

Wedding photographer client contract template